10-05-2017 Presentation of Erasmus KA1+ job shadowing outcomes (beneficiarιes: Dr D. Kalaitzidis and Ms M. Kokkaliari)
Portugal, 21/04- 30/04/ 2017: Job shadowing of the school director at Escola Secundaria de Mem Martins
Presentation of Erasmus KA1+ job shadowing outcomes (beneficiary : Ms H. Kaneletopoulou)
Sicily, Italy, 24- 31/10/ 2016: Job shadowing at Classical Lyceum Istituto Istruzione Superiore ?Michele Amari? Giarre for the subjects of History and Teaching Italian as mother tongue.
Iceland, 31-08-2016 to 10-09-2016: Job shadowing at Fj?lbrautask?linn vi? ?rm?la for the subject of Mathematics.
FINLAND, 20/4/2015- 3/5/2015: Job shadowing of the Principal and the EFL Teacher of Gymnasiet Grankulla Samskola, Kuaniainen/Grankulla
Italy, 18/3/2015-28/3/2015: Job shadowing at Classical Lyceum G. Bagatta Desenzano del Garda for the teaching of Classical Languages
7-6-2016 Final partner meeting, Pireas, Greece
5th Learning Activity for Teachers and Students
4th Project Meeting: Stockholm, Sweden
3rd Project Meeting, Paide, Estonia
2nd Project Meeting : Sintra, Portugal
1st Program meeting
Educational and Recreational Club ?OUT?
12-3-2021 Evaluation of European Project Erasmus+KA2 ROOTS, Routes to Outdoor Oriented Teaching and Sustainability (2017-2020)
2-6-2020 Online Trasnational Meeting of the European Program Erasmus+KA2 “ROUTES TO OUTDOOR-ORIENTED TEACHING AND SUSTAINABILITY/ROOTS”
26-29 March 2020: 3rd Trasnational Meeting of the European Program Erasmus+KA2 “ROUTES TO OUTDOOR-ORIENTED TEACHING AND SUSTAINABILITY/ROOTS”
26/3-1/4/2020: C6 Learning Activity of the European Program ERASMUS+KA2 “Routes to Outdoor-Oriented Teaching and Sustainability/ROOTS”
22-26/9/2019: C5 Learning Activity of the European Program ERASMUS+KA2 “Routes to Outdoor-Oriented Teaching and Sustainability/ROOTS”
19-25/3/2019: C4 ERASMUS+ΚΑ2 ROOTS Learning Activity
27/9-30/9/2018 2nd Trasnational Meeting of the European Program Erasmus+KA2 ROOTS: IDRIJA, SLOVENIA
27/9-3/10/2018 C3: Teachers’ training event of the European Program Erasmus+KA2 ROOTS: Idrija, Slovenia
18/4- 22/4/18: ROOTS C2 Learning Activity/ Student Exchange at Ralleio Geniko Lykeio Thileon Peiraia
18-22 April 2018: Erasmus+ KA2 ROOTS, 2017-2020: C2 Learning Activity
Short-term joint staff training event, Sweden, 14-18 November 2017
Kick off meeting, Iceland, 25-26 September 2017
Evaluation of European Program Erasmus + KA2 Climate Change Ready/CCR implemented at Ralleio Lykeio from 2017 to 2019
8-9/07/2019: 3rd Transnational Meeting of Eramus+KA2 Program CCR, Sabadell, Spain
01/04-05/04/2019 ERASMUS+ ΚΑ2 CLIMATE CHANGE READY (CCR) C5 Learning Activity in Sintra, Portugal
11-15/3/2019: ERASMUS+ΚΑ2 CCR C4 Training Activity in Slovenia
29/01-01/02/2019: C6 Short-Term Staff Training Event of European program Erasmus+ KA2 Climate Change Ready (CCR) in Sabadell, Spain
15-19/10/2018 CCR C3 Learning Activity/ Student Exchange at Ralleio Geniko Lykeio Thileon Peiraia
2nd CCR Transnational Meeting: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-25 May 2018
16/04 to 20/04 /2018: Erasmus+KA2, Climate Change Ready (CCR), 2017-1-DE03-KA219-035612: C2 Learning Activity, Budapest, Hungary
29/01- 02/02/2018: First Training Activity of European Program ERASMUS+KA2 Climate Change Ready ( CCR)
Report of the 1st transnational meeting in Hamburg
1/9/2017-30/6/2019 Climate change through classroom teaching in the framework of European program Erasmus+KA2 CCR
10-5-2019 Ralleio Solidarity Team visits Peiraias Society for the Protection of Minor Citizens
13-5-2019 Ralleio Solidarity Team offers a wheelchair to Athens High school for Students with Special Needs
7-5-2019 Battery Recycling
21-03-2019 School Cleaning Day
20-3-2019 20/3/2019: Eratosthenes’ experiment in Ralleio school courtyard
1/2/2019-15/3/2019: International Environmental Days
19th Student Conference of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet): Ralleio and CCR were there!
29-1-2019 Ralleio Solidarity Team visits the Centre for Reception and Solidarity of the Municipality of Athens
11-12-2018 Visit of ERASMUS+ ΚΑ2 CCR teachers and students to the Athens Special Junior and Senior High School
10-12-2018 Electric and Electronic Devices Recycling
9-12-2018 «Climate Action: 1,5ο C Deadline»
4-12-2018 Environmental Awareness Event
29-11-2018 Recycling training seminar
11-11-2018 Ralleio volunteers in the 36th Athens Authentic Marathon
25-1-2018 and 14-3-2018: Educational visits of A and C class students respectively to the Agricultural University of Athens
New bins at the school
Logo Competition
21-12-2017 Visit of Ralleio Solidarity Team to Pireas Society for the Protection of Children and Teenagers
Christmas Ralleio Bazaar
14-12-2017 Ralleio Solidarity Team
Attendance of the 4th Panhellenic Conference “Biology in Education”
4-12-2017: Lecture on the effects of climate change on Cyprus
22-11-2017 Cleaning of the school Garden
12-11-2017 Volunteering in Athens Authentic Marathon
8-11-2017 Educational visit to the centre for environmental education of Drapetsona
30-10-2017 Distribution of posters related to CCR group activities
24-10-2017 Erasmus National Agency Seminar
20-10-2017 Recycling Station Cleaning
20-10-2017 Attending of Lecture by School Councilor Dr A. Mastrapas
14 &15-10-2017 Attending of the Panhellenic Conference “Views of Sustainable School”
Environmental Project 2019-2020: “Climate Change: How can we change?”
3-5-2020 Dissemination Activity of Erasmus+KA2 “ROUTES TO OUTDOOR-ORIENTED TEACHING AND SUSTAINABILITY/ROOTS” (2017-2020).
VIENNA, 26-29/10/2019: Joint UNESCO-EU Workshop for pilot project school teams “Integrating Ιntangible Cultural Heritage in School-based Education”
1/12/2018-20/2/2019 Whole-School Interdisciplinary Approach of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by European program Eramus+KA2 ROOTS: Routes to Outdoor Teaching and Sustainability
7-5-2019 Battery Recycling
16-4-2019 Presentation of the European Program ERASMUS+ΚΑ2 ROOTS/ «Routes to Outdoor Oriented Teaching and Sustainability»
21-03-2019 School Cleaning Day
19th Student Conference of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet): Ralleio and ROOTS were there!
26-2-2019: Outdoor Teaching Activity in Algebra
16-1-2019 Seminar on UNESCO Geoparks in Greece and Cyprus and their contribution to Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development
10-12-2018 Electric and Electronic Devices Recycling
22-11-2018 ROOTS at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre
18th Student Conference of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet): Ralleio and ROOTS were there!
Ralleio and ROOTS at Euroscola Day 2018
21-12-2017 Erasmus+KA2 meeting organised by the Directorate of Secondary Education of Pireas
24-10-2017 Erasmus National Agency Seminar
Sustainable School Label 2021-2024
12-2021: AQUAMARIS Logo Competition
27-28/10/2021: Kick-off Meeting of Erasmus+ AQUAMARIS.
10/2020-6/2021 Integration of the thematic areas of the Erasmus+ KA2 AQUAMARIS program in the daily curricular teaching practice
2020-2021: Dissemination presentations of Erasmus+KA2 AQUAMARIS and R4MAD programs in international online educational events, meetings and webinars
22-4-2021 Celebration of Earth Day
20-3-20121 Dissemination activity: Presentation of AQUAMARIS in the 15th Online Biology Conference “Society meets modern Biology”
4-3-2021 Sustainability in Literature
December 2020 “EU and the climate crisis: The more you know, the more you do”
Sustainable School Label 2021-2024
10/2020-6/2021: Integration of the thematic areas of the Erasmus+ KA2 R4MAD program in the daily curricular teaching practice
2020-2021: Dissemination presentations of Erasmus+KA2 AQUAMARIS and R4MAD programs in international online educational events, meetings and webinars
5/2021 R4MAD Logo Competition
31-5-2021 R4MAD Europe Day online Quiz
22-4-2021 Celebration of Earth Day
20-3-2021 Dissemination activity: Presentation of R4MAD in the 15th Online Biology Conference “Society meets modern Biology”
4-3-2021 Sustainability in Literature
11-12-2020 & 11-1-2021 R4MAD teacher training webinar on Education for Sustainability and Sustainable School Label Indicators
December 2020 “EU and the climate crisis: The more you know, the more you do”
29-8-2022: ERASMUS+ KA3 “Teachers4Europe” National Dissemination Conference
December 2020: “EU and the climate crisis: The more you know, the more you do”
18/10/2024: Presentation of Erasmus+KA1 project CULT at ERASMUS DAYS 2024 event
31/3-7/4/2024: European Program Erasmus+ KA1 "CULT 2023-2025"