European Program Erasmus+ KA2 (2020-2022) AQUAMARIS: Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability.
The horizontal priority of AQUAMARIS focuses on supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences, while promoting, engaging, connecting and empowering young people and environmental and climate goals are the program’s additional priories.
Economic and financial affairs investigations of fauna, flora and water in the water bodies adjacent to the participating cities and their coastal regions are central thematic areas of the project, including aspects of the so-called blue economy. Sustainability strategies in the areas of tourism, fishing and shipping complement the biological aspect. All the cities in which the partner schools are located have a close economic and existential connection to the sea and are therefore interested in sustainable development and basic knowledge about the ecology of the sea, the protection of this ecosystem and the upcoming and already existing changes.
The aim of the project is to teach students of the partner schools the basics of the work of the relevant departments of biology, chemistry, economics, history as well as politics and philosophy regarding the topic. Both theoretically and practically at non-school learning locations, they should also acquire in-depth knowledge and, if necessary, suggestions for sustainable action in their home country or their immediate vicinity, the coastal regions and in the partner countries.
Approximately 15 to 25 students will be involved in the closer project per school. Teachers from various departments will provide interdisciplinary educational scenarios/ lesson plans and thus ensure that the whole school is involved. There will be activities within the school as part of the new internal curricula, in which students will be able to participate.
During the Learning Activities, guided visits to and lectures at laboratories, NGOs, universities, public institutions as well as practical work in and on the water with chemical and biological study and research kits are intended to impart basic knowledge and skills.
Intended is reinforcing the development of key competences and increasing the levels of achievement and interest. In this sense, the impact of this methodology will, hopefully, be: improved provision and assessment of basic and transversal skills (such as intercultural and language competences, critical thinking, digital skills and media literacy) and more strategic and integrated use of ICT’s and open educational resources in education.
Ralleio Pedagogical team: Dr Sarantos Oikonomidis (School Director, Physics), Dimitiros Angelidakis (Assistant Coordinator, ICT), Stavroula Alevromageirou (Legal Studies, Civics), Dimitrios Chalikias (Economics), Aimilia Giourga (Greek Language and Literature), Stavros Drosakis (Mathematics), Georgios Katopodis (Biology), Anastasia Keskesiadou (Greek Language and Literature), Panagiotis Markopoulos (Biology, Chemistry), Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos (Sociology, Civics).
Ralleio Coordinator: Katerina Christodoulou (English Language)