The program was implemented by a partnership of six schools from Germany (coordinating school), Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. From 2017 to 2019, 3 Transnational Meetings, 3 Training Meetings and 3 Learning Activities took place, as scheduled, with the participation of 18 Ralleio teachers and 6 Ralleio students.
The program was coordinated at Ralleio by Ms Charalambia Kaneletopoulou (Greek Language teacher).
There were 13 teachers in the Pedagogical Team, who coordinated the student teams formed, namely: the Registering Team, the Environmental Awareness Team, the In-school Activities Team and the Social Awareness Team. A total of 40 Ralleio students from all classes participated in the program.
Digital technology was key to the communication between partners and the dissemination of the program’s goals and activities. A program webpage was set up by Ralleio Director, on which partner school program activities were uploaded.
The majority of the educational community at Ralleio worked cooperatively on an interdisciplinary approach of the subject of Climate Change and its impact on the natural and human environment.
The implemented activities – educational, social and environmental- focused on raising awareness in the wider school community.
Additionally, in the framework of C3 learning Activity hosted by Ralleio from 15 to 19 October 2018, a series of awareness-raising educational activities was designed and implemented for the participating teachers and students.
Furthermore, there was ample cooperation with various governmental and non governmental institutions, such as: the Municipality of Pireas, the Bank of Greece, the Agricultural University of Athens, the University of West Attica, Drapetsona Centre for Environmental Education, the Centre for Renewable Energy Resources, the Authentic Marathon Committee, the Special School of Ilioupoli, Saint Nicholas Lyceum in Cyprus, the Solidarity Centre of the City of Athens, NGO Pireas Solidarity and the Management of the National Reserve of Mount Parnitha.
All the activities of the program were included in the application for the certification of Ralleio with Sustainable School Label.
Following the submission of the Final report of the program, its assessment by the Greek National Agency and its quality evaluation by the German National Agency, the implementation of the program was deemed successful and its goals achieved. Therefore, the program was fully funded.
In conclusion, CCR played a major role in the achievement of the school’s pedagogical and social role and contributed in motivating students, teachers and the school community on the whole to become responsible and environmentally aware citizens.