Our school, as a member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet), participated, at the invitation of the National Coordinator of the Network Mrs. Dilari, in the international activity for the celebration of the World Poetry Day entitled "Gift a Poem". The activity was implemented in all 4 languages taught at our school (Greek, English, French, German, English) during the week of 20-24 March 2023.
More specifically, in the framework of the Modern Greek course, B2 class students, under the guidance of their Greek language teacher, Dr. Maria Panagiotopoulou, chose poems, copied them on paper, which they decorated themselves, read them in class and "gifted” them to their classmates, thus strengthening the group dynamics of the class. Then, they embarked on a creative writing activity in the style of Surrealism, composing their own poem as a group.
In the framework of the English course, under the guidance of their English language teacher, Katerina Christodoulou, A1 and A2 class students worked on Shakespeare's sonnets, chose the ones that inspired them and copied them on hand-decorated paper in order to read them in class and share them with their classmates. The activity provided an opportunity for the students to delve into Early Modern English, which was spoken during the Elizabethan period.
As part of their French course, under the guidance of Anastasia Iordanoglou, French language teacher, A and B class students who are taught French as a second foreign language, selected poems and copied them on paper, which they decorated themselves, to read in class and share with their classmates.
Finally, in the context of their German language course, under the guidance of German language teacher Antigoni Patika, A4 and A5 class students who learn German as a second foreign language toured the library of Goethe Institute during their educational visit there, selected poetry books and copied poems on the spot to read them in class.
Activity Coordinator for all languages: Katerina Christodoulou (English language teacher, UNESCO ASPnet school coordinator)