As a member of UNESCO Associated Schools Network, Ralleio Lykeio applied for and was selected to represent Greece in the joint UNESCO-EU Workshop for pilot project school teams “Integrating Ιntangible Cultural Heritage in School-based Education”, which was held in Vienna from the 26th to the 29th of October 2019. Ten school representatives of UNESCO Associated Schools Network from 10 EU countries participated in the Workshop which was organized in the framework of «2018, European Year of Cultural Heritage, Our heritage: where the past meets the future» EU Quality Label.
During their stay in Vienna, the 10 European teachers-UNESCO Coordinators, who will act as multipliers of the project in their schools upon return, attended intensive seminars and worked on the subject under the guidance of special UNESCO facilitators in order to study the methodology of integrating Ιntangible Cultural Heritage in the lesson planning of almost all school subjects, European Programs and extracurricular school projects. The trainees designed a broad interdisciplinary lesson plan which they will fine-tune, coordinate and implement upon return working with the collaboration of their fellow teachers at school in order to produce a set of lesson plans for various school subjects integrating Ιntangible Cultural Heritage.
In particular, Ralleio Lykeio will produce innovative educational material on Rembetiko songs, inscribed on UNESCO Ιntangible Cultural Heritage List in 2017 in the following subjects: English Language (making use of the English Nomination text), ICT (programming a special application for mobile phones), Physical Education (teaching Rembetiko dances) and Literature (studying and analyzing the perspective in which women were seen in the lyrics of those songs). The pilot educational material will be presented in the next meeting of the team scheduled to take place from 27th February to 1st March 2020.
Apart from Katerina Christodoulou, English Language teacher, Ralleio UNESCO and Erasmus+KA2 ROOTS Coordinator, present at the Workshop were Dimitrios Angelidakis, ICT teacher, Ralleio Assistant Director (co-funded by Erasmus+KA2 ROOTS) and C class student Stavroula Kazala.
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