Coordinating teachers: K. Mourginaki (French Teacher), V. Tsetsekou (Philologist)
The coordinating teachers and 16 students of A, B and C class worked on the cultural project entitled ?CULTURAL VERSATILITY: AN IDEA ON THE COMING AND LIVING TOGETHER OF THE PEOPLE?.
The right to be different in western societies is a recent democratic advance. The degree of personal or social tolerance of ? the different? depends directly on the degree of personal or social insecurity. The more a person or a society develops, that is, the more they reach a high level of self -respect and self- confidence, the less they feel ?threatened? or ?insulted? by the presence of ?the different?.
This year we decided to work on the subject of Women and their roles in the modern Eastern and Western societies. We met women who were different in language, in their way of living, in their clothing, in their religion. We considered these differences to be complimentary and not competitive. We accept these differences because our aim is to promote unity through versatility.