Ralleio students participated successfully in the 3rd Student Rhetoric Competition organized by Avgoulea-Linardatou Private Schools on the 21st and 22nd January 2017. Ralleio team consisted of B Class students M. Dimou, A. Exertzi and I. Iordanidou and A Class students D. Theodorakakou and M. Lygka.

In particular, Ms D. Theodorakakou ranked eighth in the category of ?impulsive speech? with her speech entitled ?No pain, no gain?. Ms A. Exertzi and Ms I. Iordanidou ranked first in the semifinals with their speeches entitled ?Volunteering? and ?Blind Faith? respectively. It should be duly noted that Ralleio was the only public school that reached the finals.

Ms Eleni Lambrinakou (Greek Language and Literature Teacher) was responsible for coaching the 5 students. We would like to thank Ms K. Xanthakou, Chairperson of Ralleio PTA, in whose office the preparatory meetings took place.

Ralleio Teachers? Assembly and the Director would like to congratulate the students and Ms Lambrinakou on their success.

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