Ralleio theatrical group, after the initiative of the director Dr Dimitris Kalaitzidis, cooperated with Liceo Michele Amari, Giarre, Sicily. The two schools decided to put up two theatrical performances in the ancient Odeon of Taormina: Aristophanes? ?Ecclesiazouses/Assembly Women? by Ralleio Lykeio and Sophocles? ?Trachiniae? by Liceo Amari. In the framework of this cooperation, Ralleio 30-member theatrical group, headed by the director Dr Dimitris Kalaitzidis and accompanied by the group coordinators, Dr M. Panagiotopoulou (Theatrologist- Greek language teacher) and Mr D. Christopoulos (Greek language teacher- writer), visited Sicily from the 27th March to the 1st April 2017.
They visited the picturesque city of Palermo and the city of Agrigento (ancient Greek Akragas) where the ancient Greek element is impressively obvious, especially in the famous Valle dei Templi, an archaeological site of 12 kilometres, representative of the history of Magna Grecia. On the third day both the Greek and the Italian groups visited the volcano of Etna and the city of Katania. The fourth day was dedicated to the Italian school where teachers and students exchanged presents. They then visited Taormina and famous Teatro Greco. A few hours later, both theatrical groups performed in the ancient Odeon of Taormina, which was the culminating point of the visit. On the last day of the trip, the group visited Syracuse and the island of Ortygia.