C class Science students visited the Department of Biology at the University of Athens, on 21 October 2016, accompanied by Biology teachers Mr G. Katopodis and P. Markopoulos, who organized the educational visit.
On arrival, Ms Ourania Tsitsiloni, Professor of Anosology and Vice President of the Department welcomed the students and provided them with information on the general research activity of the Department. Assistant Professor Kosmas Charalambidis talked to the students about the importance of the science of Biology, the interconnection between sciences and the need for cooperation and, finally, about research issues in the laboratory. The students then performed various laboratory activities. Finally, the students visited the Zoological Museum of the University of Athens where they were guided by Associate Researcher Dr Christos Georgiadis.
We would like to thank our hosts, the Vice President of the Department Professor Ourania Tsitsiloni, Assistant Professor Mr Kosmas Charalambidis and Associate Researcher Dr Christos Georgiadis, for the knowledge and laboratory experience they offered our students. .