For the school year 2014-2015, Ralleio Teachers? Association and Ralleio Parents? Association have decided to organise joint events on various subjects pertinent to adolescence. In this framework, the first event was held in the evening of 15 October 2014 on the school premises and was attended by a large audience. Ms Jenny Papachristopoulou , Psychologist and Clinical Neuropsychologist, was invited to talk on the subject of psycho-emotional development in adolescence and its effect in shaping relations between parents and adolescents. The speaker presented and thoroughly analysed the changes in the physical and psychological state of adolescents and what their parents should do in order to help their children during the transition from childhood to adolescence. The presentation was followed by a discussion with the parents and the teachers. The event was warmly welcomed by the Director of Ralleio Dr Dimitris Kalaitzidis and the Chairman of the Parents? Association Mr Ioannis Panagiotopoulos.