Ralleio Lykeio, member of the UNESCO ASP Network, took part in the meeting of the ASP Coordinators which was organized by the Greek National UNESCO Committee and the National Coordinator?s Office at the Ministry of Education on the 5th of April 2013.The Deputy Minister of Education Mr T. Papatheodorou and the Chairperson of the Hellenic National UNESCO Committee Ms A. Tzitzikosta were present at the meeting.
During the first part of the meeting, University Professors, representatives of the UNESCO Chairs at Greek Universities presented their activities and programs to promote the cooperation of the Chairs with primary and secondary education teachers.
During the second part of the meeting, teachers from five ASP secondary schools presented the activities of their schools within the UNESCO framework. In particular, the announcement of Ralleio Lykeio was entitled ?Towards the creation of a UNESCO model school? and focused on the pedagogical, social, organizational and environmental activities in the framework of UNESCO concepts such as Sustainable Development, Whole School Approach, Innovative Actions, Good Practices and Dissemination of information.
The announcement of Ralleio Lykeio was written and presented by the UNESCO Coordinator of Ralleio Lykeio , Ms Katerina Christodoulou (EFL Teacher)